Web-based Temperature Tracking Platform with Thermo Buttons
Main functions:
- Mission and read your Thermo Buttons on the Internet
- Automatically archive your data on the Internet
- Share Plateform with your clients, suppliers, partners ...
- No software to install
- Application runs on an unlimited number of PCs
- 24 x 7 service
- Automatic shipment tracking by email
- Secured data archiving
Thermo Track Online is an Internet application that enables you to mission, read your Thermo buttons and archive your data through the web, with not software installation on your PCs. You just have to enter a personal login and password to access the application and carry out your operations.
You can access the application 24 x 7 on an unlimited number of PC. With Thermo Track Online, you can share your data with your clients, your suppliers. You just have to give them a login and a password.
The system also enables to send an automatic email to the receiver of the goods when mission a Thermo Button. You get an email when the receiver receive the shipment and reads the Thermo Button. You can then check the data directly on the web. Thermo Track Online archives your data automatically on your personal account in our servers. You will thus be able to find them even if you change your PC. We do all the backups and save your data for 5 years.
Mission Thermo Buttons 21G, 22L, 22T and Hygro Button
• Read Thermo Buttons
• List of temperatures with higher and lower point, average
• List of alarms
• Temperature graphs with alarm thresholds
• Print the list of temperatures
• Print the list of alarms
• Print the graphs
• Export to Excel
• Automatic archiving on the data base
• Archives saved on our servers for 5 years
• Search the data by date, by receiver, by name....
• User preferences and privileges:
o Administrator / User
o Language (French, English)
o Date format
o Temperature format (°C or °F)
• Secured access with login and password with validity controls
• FDA - CFR21 Part 11compliant
What Do I need to start using Thermo Track Online ?
Using thermo Track Online is so simple. You just need :
- Thermo or Hygro Buttons (of course …)
- A Button reader to connect on the USB port of the PC
- An annual subscription to the Service to get your login and password
The price of the service is based on an annual subscription. Unlimited downloads of a buttons.